Marc has been kind of difficult latley... He is in this stage where he cries and cries and cries and when you think he is finally asleep you guessed it he cries some more... Its difficult because I have Xavier to take care of as well and I often feel like he may be left out... I remember Xavier was the same way when he was a few weeks old so I am just hoping we get over this and fast!
Its pretty late here... I am just waiting for Marc to wake up from his nap and hoping that after a quick change and feed he will fall asleep so we can sleep... Last night I got maybe 4 hours of sleep. I am exhusted... He stayed awake from around 3am till 7am and I finally got him to sleep in my bed... I know some people think its horrible to do that but sometimes it gets to a point where nothing else works... He looked so cute snuggled up in my bed this morning.
I love my bed so comfy!
I told hubby before Marc was born that I wanted to invest in making my room/ bed extra comfy because I knew we would never sleep so when we did get the chance to rest I wanted to be extra comfortable... Our room is pretty crammed because we are sharing it with Marc until our lease is up next year. At first it bothered me with all the stuff in our room but keeping the furniture and bedding pretty clean and white helped it somehow become more cozy then cluttered. I ordered a green polkadot headboard from walmart a month ago and I love it.. Hubby doesn't care for the pattern but he said it functions great for late night feedings (and from our pillows falling behind the bed)... The quilt I had cutom made from MomNMiaQuilts with fabrics that I had been holding on to. I was way to afraid to mess them up. She did a great job and it was very affordable... I even had a quilt made for Marc.... Speaking of quilts I have been meaning to start a new on I just need to find time...
PS we never got any sleep so I am pretty much exhausted!